Part-Time Preschool has Openings for the 2024-2025 School Year! CALL FOR A TOUR TODAY
Stepping Stones, Inc. is a nonprofit organization. Fees are set to cover monthly expenses for mortgage, utilities, payroll, toys, equipment and all other operating costs. Fees are figured on an average monthly basis and are the same each month. Because our costs do not vary with individual absences, we do not make individual adjustments in fees for time missed. Any savings to us for closing the center during holidays will be spread over the entire year to keep your fees as low as possible.
If fees have to be increased to meet expenses, you will be given at least one month’s notice.
Fees as of January 1, 2025 are:
Infants $1,345 per month
Toddlers $1,180 per month
Preschool 1 $1,065 per month
Preschool 2 $1,040 per month
Part-time Preschool $445/month for 5 mornings/wk 8:30-11:30
After school 1 & 2 (w/transportation) $440 per month
Summer Camp 1 & 2 (elementary age) $1005 per month
Families who have two children enrolled full-time (Infant through Preschool 2 or Summer Camp) will receive a $50 a month fee discount. Those with three children enrolled full-time will receive a $75 discount. Full time care is 7am-6pm, 5 days/week.
Fees are due by the 10th of each month for that month. Parents pay fees via Brightwheel. They can have them taken directly out of their bank account or by credit card (there is an additional fees for card). Parents whose fees have not been paid by the 10th of the month will be charged $10. If fees still haven't been paid by the 15th of the month, you will be charged an additional $15. If not paid by the 20th, your child will not be able to attend the center until fees are caught up or someone from the waiting list may be contacted to fill the spot.
There is a $20 charge for all returned checks. .
A $400 deposit is required for full-time enrollment ($200 in our for part-time) to guarantee your child's space in our program. It is non-refundable unless written notice is given 30 days prior to the disenrollment date for a child in attendance or the scheduled start date for a new child.
If 30 days written notice is given, the deposit will be refunded or applied to the last month's fees as follows for full-time:
$400 is refunded if a child is disenrolls from Pre 2 or an older classroom
$300 is refunded if a child disenrolls from the Pre 1 classroom
$200 is refunded if a child disenrolls from the Toddler classroom
$100 is refunded if a child disenrolls from the Infant classroom
All $200 is refunded for part-time enrolees if 30 days written notice is given
Fees to cover equipment and insurance are charged upon enrollment and as children advance to new classrooms. These fees are:
Enrollment in Infant, Toddler, Preschool 1, Preschool 2: $100.00
Children graduating into next class (Toddler, Preschool 1, Preschool 2): $100.00
Enrollment in Part-time Preschool and School-age programs: $50.00
If a child is in a classroom full-time for less than 6 months before they move to the next classroom, the next room’s $100 equipment fee is waived.
We are on menu #4 for the week of Feb. 24-28th.
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